jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

What means "no" in a business field ?

ByAndrianna Zachari @andrianna_Zach

Last week in Strategic Marketing session we discussed about the benefits of saying "no". From a strategical perspective it is important to know that probably most of the decisions will be related to the rejection of projects. Many projects can be interesting but they can make you difficult to achieve the strategic goals of the company.

- Why people are hesitate to say no in their daily life?
- By saying no, are you afraid of the consequences?
- By using this word, are you terrified in the idea that will disappoint someone?
- Do you believe that if you start saying no, then it will be difficult to cut it off?

The answer in all of these questions is simple! You will never know if you don’t try it.. Set your goals, think with clear mind what exactly want to achieve and “you will learn not just to say “no”, but also think no, mean no and act no.” (businessknowhow.com)

Giving an alive example: Stephanie Hampton, the Marriott spokesperson said "In the past I tended to be a 'yes' person," "I'd say 'yes' to just about anything and everything, in the belief that I was building a reputation for myself as a can-do, go-to person. I looked around and noticed that a lot of successful people don't say 'yes' to everything! they are more strategic.” (businessknowhow.com)

And that exactly is the secret of success. By daring to say no shows your strength and your good judgment in several cases. Don’t be afraid to reject something when doesn’t suit, for example to the business concept. A great leader dares to say ΝΟ! The key point is how you say no..
It is more appropriate to use a non-defensive way and make your decision looks like as a clearly statement. Say no to the request not to the person. When a project is presenting to you, considerate it first and then make a conscious choice. Is this the project that will be benefited my business? If not, just say it! Nothing wrong to say no! In that way, giving the opportunity to the others to be improved as professionals and has a positive impact in your business.

Find the balance between yes and no and use it wise.

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